Leader Interview: CW3 Jones & SFC Conaway, 10th SG
By | Oct. 6, 2023
MSG Half-Mast recently travelled back to Okinawa, Japan, where he met with CW3 Paul B. Jones, the Accountable Officer, 10th Support Group (SG) ammunition depot, and SFC Alexander Conaway, the ammo depot NCOIC. The three of...
Leader Interview: Mr. John Mayatte, Director ASC PSCC
By | Aug. 21, 2023
A few weeks back, MSG Half-Mast travelled to Tobyhanna Army Depot to speak with Mr. John Mayatte, Director of the Army Sustainment Command’s (ASCs) Packaging, Storage and Containerization Center (PSCC) to gain a better...
Interview: 2ABCT, 3ID Log/Maint Leaders Discuss NTC Rotation
By | Aug. 4, 2023
MSG Half-Mast recently traveled to Ft Stewart to visit with MAJ Ryan Bocklage, 3rd ID Deputy G4, and CW4 Calvin Sanders, 2nd ABCT Maintenance Technician, about the Spartan Brigade's recent rotation to the National Training...
Leader Interview: Mr. Duxbury, AMC C5ISR L-STR
By | May 4, 2023
MSG Half-Mast recently traveled to Ft Drum to visit with Mr. James Duxbury, the AMC C5ISR Lead-System Tech Rep (L-STR) for the 10th Mountain Division/CECOM Integrated Logistics Support Center (ILSE) Forward Element – East...
Leader Interview: CW3 RiveraOrtiz, 10th Support Group
By | April 3, 2023
MSG Half-Mast recently travelled to Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan, to meet with CW3 Jaime L. RiveraOrtiz, the senior maintenance technician for the 10th Support Group (SG). The two discussed the challenges of sustaining...
Leader Interview: SFC Asher, TRADOC CADD
By | Feb. 14, 2023
MSG Half-Mast recently stopped by the scenic post of Ft Leavenworth, KS to meet and greet SFC Matthew J. Asher, the face of the newly updated FM 3-0, Operations (Oct 22). Read on to learn more about how FM 3-0 and readiness...
Leader Interview: CW5 Beck, ASC Stockage Determination
By | Jan. 23, 2023
MSG Half-Mast didn’t have to travel far to meet with CW5 John P. Beck, the Deputy of the Stockage Determination Branch, a subordinate activity of Army Sustainment Command, located on Redstone Arsenal, Alabama...
Leader Interview: COL Medaglia, UAS PM
By | Jan. 6, 2023
MSG Half-Mast recently drove across Redstone Arsenal to speak with COL Danielle Medaglia, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Project Manager to discuss the current state of UAS, future development efforts and some maintenance...
Special Interview: US Army Marksmanship Unit
By | Oct. 25, 2022
MSG Half-Mast travelled to Ft Benning, GA, to speak with two US Army Marksmanship Unit gunsmiths about their craft and proper maintenance of weapons. The interviewees were SFC Matt Nelson, rifle gunsmith, and SSG Alex Telck,...
Leader Interview: BG Hargett, MSNG
By | Oct. 7, 2022
MSG Half-Mast recently traveled to Jackson, Mississippi, to get insights about readiness and mobilization, as well as the National Guard's ability to fulfill both state and national missions, from BG Joe D. Hargett, Director...
Leader Interview: 1LT Steele and SFC Ryan, Army SWF
By | July 21, 2022
MSG Half-Mast recently traveled to Austin, Texas to get a glimpse of the future of PMCS with Army Software Factory (SWF) product manager, 1LT Haley Steele, and user interface/user experience (UI/UX) designer, SFC Jarrod Ryan...
Leader Interview: Mr. Bartosiak, SDDC TEA
By | May 27, 2022
MSG Half-Mast just returned from Scott AFB, IL, where he met with Mr. Michael Bartosiak, the Deployability Engineering Branch Chief for the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) Transportation Engineering Agency...
Leader Interview: MG Mohan, USASC
By | April 26, 2022
MSG Half-Mast recently paid a virtual visit to Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, home of the Headquarters of the US Army Sustainment Command (ASC). While there, he sat down with ASC’s commanding general, MG Chris Mohan to...
Leader Interview: Mr. Acevedo, AMLC
By | April 5, 2022
MSG Half-Mast recently had the honor of sitting down with Mr. Jason Acevedo at Fort Detrick, MD. Mr. Acevedo is the Director of the Logistics Assistance Program (LAP) for the Integrated Logistics Sustainment Center (ILSC),...
Leader Interview: Mr. Baker, AOAP
By | March 4, 2022
MSG Half-Mast literally walked down the street to speak with Mr. Jim Baker, Program Manager for the Army Oil Analysis Program (a subordinate activity of Army Sustainment Command) about its mission, history and continued...
Leader Interview: BG Hilmes, USACRC
By | Jan. 24, 2022
MSG Half-Mast started the new year with a virtual visit to Fort Rucker, AL, where he spoke with the US Army Combat Readiness Center (USACRC) commanding general, BG Andrew C. Hilmes, about the USACRC's mission and the...
Leader Interview: MG Werner & CSM Charles, TACOM
By | Dec. 28, 2021
MSG Half-Mast recently visited Detroit, MI, home to the Tank-Automotive & Armaments Command (TACOM), where he spoke with the commanding general, MG Darren L. Werner, and command sergeant major, CSM Jerry M. Charles, about...
Leader Interview: CSM Kea, 916th Support BDE, NTC
By | Nov. 29, 2021
MSG Half-Mast recently spent some time out at the National Training Center (NTC), in the “sandbox,” with Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Montrell L. Kea, the 916th Support Brigade's (BDE's) senior enlisted Soldier. CSM Kea...
Leader Interview: CSM Brady - CECOM and APG
By | Nov. 1, 2021
MSG Half-Mast dropped by Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), the first home of PS Magazine, to interview Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Kristie L. Brady, the senior enlisted advisor for the Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM)...
Leader Interview: Mr. Cinader - AMCOM
By | Oct. 8, 2021
MSG Half-Mast recently traveled just down the road at Redstone Arsenal to speak with Mr. Jeffrey Cinader, who oversees the Army Aviation and Missile Command's (AMCOM's) Corrosion Program Office and Center of Excellence, on...
Special Interview: MSG Half-Mast
By | July 28, 2021
This month, as part of our commemoration of PS Magazine’s 70th Anniversary, we asked MSG Half-Mast to take a breather from his interview schedule and become the interviewee. After all, it’s not every day you celebrate over...
Leader Interview: CSM Rocky Carr - SDDC
By | June 21, 2021
MSG Half-Mast recently traveled to Scott Air Force Base, Illinois to speak with Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Rocky Carr, the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command's (SDDC) Senior Enlisted Leader...
Leader Interview: CW5 Pitts - Insights on NCOMP
By | June 2, 2021
Earlier this month, MSG Half-Mast travelled to the Pentagon to speak with Chief Warrant Officer Five Robert C. Pitts III, Senior Ordnance and Logistics Officer, HQDA G-4 to discuss non-combat operations maintenance plans...
Leader Interview: BG Letcher, Chief of Ordnance
By | March 22, 2021
MSG Half-Mast recently traveled to Fort Lee, Virginia to speak with BG Michelle M.T. Letcher, 42nd Chief of Ordnance and the US Army Ordnance School Commandant to discuss her views on readiness...
Leader Interview: Mr Hess - TACOM Small Arms Group Leader
By | March 4, 2021
MSG Half-Mast recently visited Warren Michigan the home of Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) to speak with Scott Hess, the Weapons Product Support Integration Directorate Small Arms Group Leader, about small arms...
Leader Interview: CSM Ruiz, 403rd AFSB
By | Jan. 26, 2021
MSG Half-Mast recently visited the Korean peninsula to speak with Command Sergeant Major (CSM) John G. Ruiz, the CSM of the 403D Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB)...
Leader Interview: SFC Rostamo - Drill Sergeant of the Year
By | Dec. 30, 2020
MSG Half-Mast recently had the pleasure to sit down (virtually, of course) with SFC Erik Rostamo, the 2020 Drill Sergeant of the Year (DSOY) to discuss his role as an adviser to the Center for Initial Military Training, which...
Leader Interview: COL Lane, Utility Helicopters PM
By | Oct. 28, 2020
MSG Half-Mast was on another mission this month, so SFC Blade stepped in to interview COL Calvin Lane, the Utility Helicopters Project Manager, after he toured the Lakota helicopter facility in Columbus, MS. ...
Leader Interview: CW4 Thompson, CSMS Foreman, MING
By | Sept. 28, 2020
After a bit of R&R following his last interview in Hawaii, MSG Half-Mast made his way to Michigan to sit down with CW4 Jeffrey S. Thompson of the Michigan Army National Guard. Wearing his PS-logoed face mask and sitting six...
Leader Interview: COL Walters, 402nd AFSB
By | Aug. 27, 2020
Never one to pass up a trip to Hawaii, Master Sergeant Half-Mast spent a day visiting the 402nd Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) and sat down with its commander, Colonel Anthony Walters, to ask some questions about...
Leader Interview: MSG Varga, USAMMA
By | July 31, 2020
PS Magazine’s MSG Half-Mast recently had the opportunity to sit down with MSG Stacey Varga, the sergeant major of the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA), to discuss the importance of medical logistics. MSG Varga...
Leader Interview: GEN Perna
By | June 30, 2020
PS Magazine’s MSG Half-Mast recently had the opportunity to sit down with GEN Gus Perna, chief operating officer (COO) of Operation Warp Speed and recently-departed commander of Army Materiel Command, to discuss his views on...