I Own This: December 2023 Nominees
By | Jan. 8, 2024
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: November 2023 Nominees
By | Dec. 4, 2023
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: September 2023 Nominees
By | Oct. 9, 2023
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: August 2023 Nominees
By | Sept. 15, 2023
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: May 2023 Nominees
By | June 6, 2023
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: January 2023 Nominees
By | Feb. 3, 2023
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: December 2022 Nominees
By | Jan. 6, 2023
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: September 2022 Nominees
By | Oct. 5, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: August 2022 Nominees
By | Sept. 9, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: July 2022 Nominees
By | Aug. 2, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: June 2022 Nominees
By | July 8, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: May 2022 Nominees
By | June 3, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: March 2022 Nominees
By | April 5, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: February 2022 Nominees
By | March 3, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: January 2022 Nominees
By | Feb. 4, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: December 2021 Nominees
By | Jan. 6, 2022
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: November 2021 Nominees
By | Dec. 2, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: October 2021 Nominees
By | Nov. 1, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: September 2021 Nominees
By | Oct. 6, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: August 2021 Nominees
By | Sept. 7, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: July 2021 Nominees
By | Aug. 4, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: June 2021 Nominees
By | July 7, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: May 2021 Nominees
By | June 4, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: April 2021 Nominees
By | May 4, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: March 2021 Nominees
By | April 5, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: February 2021 Nominees
By | March 4, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: January 2021 Nominees
By | Feb. 4, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: December 2020 Nominees
By | Jan. 7, 2021
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: November 2020 Nominees
By | Dec. 4, 2020
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's overall...
I Own This: October 2020 Nominees
By | Nov. 3, 2020
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: September 2020 Nominees
By | Oct. 13, 2020
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: August 2020 Nominees
By | Sept. 8, 2020
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit's...
I Own This: July 2020 Nominees
By | Aug. 5, 2020
PS Magazine’s "I Own This" campaign is designed to recognize Warfighters of all services who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit(s)...
I Own This: June 2020 Nominees
By | July 9, 2020
PS Magazine’s I Own This campaign is designed to recognize Soldiers and Marines who exemplify the highest standards of care for their assigned vehicles and equipment and contribute in meaningful ways to their unit(s) overall...