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Dr. Juanetta Brent

Juanetta Brent

Juanetta Brent is the managing editor for PS Magazine. She formerly served on the PS staff as a senior writer-editor and production manager. She has worked as a speechwriting assistant, freelance editor and college English tutor, among other jobs, and is a graduate of the Defense Information School. A former Army captain, she holds degrees from Howard University, University of Central Texas and Luther Rice College and Seminary.
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Dr. Frank Chase

Frank Chase Jr.

Frank Chase Jr, has been with PS Magazine for more than 20 years. He's the senior aviation writer covering Apache, Chinook, Kiowa Warrior, Black Hawk, Lakota, Aviation Ground Support Equipment (AGSE) and aviation weapons. Before coming to PS Magazine, he was a technical manual writer-editor for TROSCOM, AVSCOM and AMCOM. As a tech writer he wrote, edited and verified technical manual maintenance procedures according to Army regulations. He’s a four-year Army veteran and, while on active duty, worked in Field Artillery in Germany and Ft. Lewis, WA.
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Michael Franck

Michael Franck

Mike Franck has been a staff writer with PS Magazine for over thirty years and is located at the TACOM office in Warren, Michigan. He writes primarily about the Army's commercial construction equipment (CCE) and, prior to PS Magazine, was a CCE technical writer at TACOM for several years.
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Dr. Rob Hill

Robert Hill

Rob Hill has been with the magazine since mid-2018. Before coming to PS, he wrote information operations doctrine at Fort Leavenworth, KS, and developed curriculum for the IO qualification course. While on active duty, he served as editor of the Field Artillery Journal and commander,American Forces Network, Korea, among other command and staff positions. Subsequently, he spent a decade in the private sector, working in broadcasting and higher education. Rob is the magazine’s supervisory editor.
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Carol Jones

Carol Jones

Carol Jones has been with PS Magazine going on three years. Before coming to PS, she was a Logistic Management Specialist at Fort Drum, NY, where she assisted soldiers resolve logistical issues. She’s a retired Army NCO who worked in Army aviation for 21 years. Carol's portfolio includes writing about small arms, missiles and CBRN. She also manages the magazine's Reader Service.
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Patricia McAllister

Patricia McAllister

Patricia McAllister started her Army career as a public affairs intern. Among her adventures, she wrote for the award-winning Stripe newspaper at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in Washington D.C., and as an editor for the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) at Fort Leavenworth, KS. She joined PS Magazine in 2009. Her portfolio includes communications and electronics, as well as Soldier support topics ranging from Holistic Health and Fitness to uniforms and publications.
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Steve Reeves

Steve Reeves

Steve Reeves has been with PS Magazine since 2012. Previously, he was a reporter at several newspapers, including the Charleston (SC) Post and Courier and the Birmingham (AL) Post Herald. He also served in the National Guard and Army Reserve as an MLRS crewman and public affairs NCO. Steve writes primarily about combat vehicles for the magazine.
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Demarrio Spence

Demarrio Spence

Demarrio Spence has been a PS Magazine writer since 2016. Before coming to PS, Demarrio spent a brief time as an Audio Visual Production Manager at the Air Force Senior Noncommisioned Officer Academy and 10 years as the Radio Operations Manager at AFN Kaiserslautern. At PS, he writes primarily on logistics management topics and serves as the magazine's lead digital multimedia designer.
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Robert "Beau" Williams

Robert "Beau" Williams

Beau Williams joined PS Magazine in 2020. He is retired from the United States Army and served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has worked as Lead Technical Trainer Professional for the U.S. Army Air Defense Airspace Management Cells and developed technical documentation and simulations for the Tactical Airspace Integration System. Beau has worked in the government and private sector as a technical writer for various defense and non-defense companies. He holds degrees from Grantham University and Coastline Community College. Beau writes about tactical (wheeled) vehicles.