A fire recently broke out in a Stryker’s engine compartment during an exercise in Poland. And that’s not the first time that an engine compartment fire has recently damaged a Stryker.
At least some of the fires were caused by the driver failing to disengage the parking brake before driving the vehicle. With the parking brake engaged, heat quickly begins to build up in the parking brake assembly. Next thing you know, a fire breaks out!
Don't drive with the parking brake engaged!
Heed the warning light if it's on!
There’s a warning indicator in the driver’s compartment that comes on when the parking brake is engaged. Drivers, pay attention! If you see that light,
do not drive until you disengage the parking brake.
Also, if you see the low air pressure indicator come on, stop driving! If you ignore the alert and continue driving, the parking brake can engage and build up enough heat to cause a fire.