Supply Support Activity (SSA) accountable officers (AOs), did you know there’s a message out on customer pick-up and signature requirements? Be sure to eyeball it.
Soldiers, before you leave the SSA with your supplies, make sure you Post Good Receipt (PGR) all the items being picked up. The AO will be watching.
When signing any DA or DD Forms, let’s stop doing double work. The DA Form 1687 requires
only one of these: a digital or handwritten signature.
The preferred signature is digital, but a handwritten signature is acceptable. A valid handwritten signature includes a first and last name. Use a handwritten signature when automation isn’t available or mission dictates.
For accountability, the PGR is sufficient to show receipt of expendable and durable supplies. And there’s no need to retain a paper copy.
When you’re receiving anything for a property book DODAAC or any Controlled Inventory Item, regardless of supply class, a signed DD Form 1348-1A and PGR are required.
Keep the paper DD Form 1348-1A on file. If a handwritten signature is used, include the date on the form.
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