Each day, emails from Soldiers and DoD civilians all over the world come into
PS Magazine seeking answers to challenges they're facing while maintaining their vehicles and equipment. And each day, Half-Mast or a member of his team replies.
The content of these emails varies from maintenance problems to maintenance solutions, and many are inquiries about obsolete or bogus NSNs.
Even if you’ve searched the parts manual (hard copy or IETM), called all over your duty station, or checked the internet for answers, your quest for answers doesn’t stop there. Get a hold of us here at
PS Magazine. The magazine’s writing staff has many years of experience answering questions on supply and maintenance issues. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll find someone who does.
Now here’s a
key point to remember. Help us help you.
Make sure your inquiry lists the vehicle system or equipment you’re working with. We need the vehicle’s number with series or equipment nomenclature, along with the NSNs, part numbers, and TM reference, including the item and figure numbers. Also, give us date of the TM you’re citing for the inquiry too.
In a nutshell, make your question or comment as clear and detailed as possible. The less we have to guess, the quicker and more complete our responses will be.
Email us at: